Higg Index FEM Offsite Verification


Higg Index FEM Offsite Verification

API is one of the leading Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) approved verifier and trainer bodies and has been conducting both onsite and offsite verifications (General and Chemical Specialist Verifications) in many countries in Asia and Europe.

Within the context of the current pandemic and its restriction on travel, API is offering Higg Index offsite verifications to facilitate the evaluation of the environmental and social performance of manufacturers and facilities and support them in continuing their path towards a more sustainable supply chain.

Although there are limitations to an offsite verification, all facility types and questions at all achievement levels (including Level 2 & 3 Chemicals) can be verified offsite provided that qualified verifiers are used, including chemical specialists where applicable.

We put our solid expertise in Higg Index at the service of our clients and their factories to ensure the adequate development of a verification remotely.

Please contact us (sustainability@api-hk.com) to discuss your Higg Index Verifications further.

SAC verifier body logo



COVID-19 Precautionary Audit

Brands, retailers, importers and suppliers around the world are looking to restart their activity as quickly as possible. However, the health, safety and working conditions of employees remains a key topic to be addressed. The pressure of time and the uncertainty of a context never before seen is not only raising the risk of vulnerabilities and non-compliance in some factories, but is also emphasizing the need for new practices and procedures.

Even the most compliant factories present risks that need to be tackled.

Among some of the critical points to be checked during this period is the review of health and safety systems to ensure prevention and control measures for COVID-19 are aligned with the local guidelines. For example, ensuring an adequate separation between working stations, availability of face masks and procedures for wearing and removing them, process in case of the detection of a suspected case, etc.

And because hygiene and safety are not the only aspects to pay attention to during this crisis, our audit program also includes control of working conditions. Indeed, assessments of the forced labor risk and working hours elevation are essential to prevent the increase of ‘voluntary’ overtime in response to demanding production targets. 

It is within this difficult context that we put our expertise at the service of our clients to help their suppliers get ready for a safe restart with our special ‘COVID-19 Precautionary Audit Program’. Our specialists in CSR audits can support your suppliers to create a safe and hygienic work environment evaluating critical points in the following areas:

  • Health and safety
  • Forced labor
  • Disciplinary practices
  • Working hours
  • Compensation
  • Unauthorized subcontracting

What is API’s Added Value?

At API, our experts consider that hygiene and safety are not the only aspects to pay attention to during this crisis, our audit program also includes control of working conditions. Indeed, assessments of the forced labor risk and working hours elevation are essential to prevent the increase of ‘voluntary’ overtime in response to demanding production targets.


WORMS SAFETY – Press Release

Official Communication

7th of April, 2020 

WORMS SAFETY is now involved in the global fight against COVID-19 with Voisin Consulting Life Sciences (VCLS), the health specialist member of the alliance. In particular, we are supporting, through regulatory guidance, numerous initiatives for the resolution of this sanitary crisis. Some are already at the advanced stage of submission to health regulatory authorities, bringing us closer to a cure. Among them are the repurposing of two existing drugs as candidates for therapeutic treatments, and the development of a new type of life-saving ventilator in the medical devices’ field.

At the same time, WORMS SAFETY specialist members, SgT, Qualspec, API, AQF, Worms Safety Laboratories, Axis, Albhades, IAS, and Challenge Optimum, are addressing operational issues, consequences of the crisis: securing stocks with mold and corrosion prevention measures; redrawing traditional on-site product controls with ‘no-physical-human-contact techno-guided inspections’; etc.

It is also our responsibility to prepare for the day after and beyond with humanity, lucidity, determination, commitment, and even disruption. Agile boots-on-the-ground practices will be instrumental in restarting and minimizing risks, missteps, and delays.

“We wholeheartedly believe that if we want to be protected, we must first protect each other. Selflessness, is the key to get through these unprecedented times and build a safer future for everyone. Please be safe and continue to take good care.”


With best regards,  

Thierry LENOIR


Going Beyond Finished Product Quality

A preventive approach: moving the focus to the earlier stages of production

Quality has traditionally been approached from a reactive perspective, where costs are predominantly allocated to the control of the finished product. With this approach, the final random inspection and sample testing are still by far some of the most popular services in many manufacturing areas. They allow for the detection of quality issues at the end of production and evaluate the suitability of the goods for shipment. But the chances are high that some defects will occur during the mass production process. What if these defective products represent a significant part of your final production?

Reallocating the quality budget is possible; thinking about the finished product’s quality but moving the focus to the earlier stages of production. A more in-depth look into the factories and their processes will allow you to anticipate negative risks. From the selection of the most suitable manufacturers to the identification of the right raw materials and right practices, this preventive approach also has beneficial effects on suppliers, offering opportunities for improvement and giving them the potential for empowerment.

Moving from final inspections to a deeper look of the manufacturing process

Going beyond finished product quality. API's preventive model

The earlier the risks are identified, the earlier the solutions can be adopted, thus resulting in the faster implementation of corrective actions, and higher product reliability. By the end, the risk of product reworking or replacement must be significantly reduced, enabling your brand to avoid market delays and extra ‘non-quality’ costs. 

API can provide multiple solutions to help brands, retailers and their suppliers to better manage their manufacturing processes.

Example of reactive vs. preventive approach on a chair 

Going beyond finished product quality. Reactive Approach and Preventive Approach

Interested in learning more about API’s preventive solutions?


SCIP database for SVHC declarations – commencing Jan 5

From January 5, 2021, the new SCIP database – the Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products) – will come into force. Established under the Waste Framework Directive (WFD), the database requires companies that supply articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHCs) on the Candidate List in a concentration above 0.1% weight by weight (w/w) in the EU market to submit information on these articles to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

Companies in the household goods and toys segments also need to respond to this new directive when their articles or packaging contain a higher concentration than is allowed. Products at lower risk of such concentration levels will most likely be those made from inorganic materials such as metal or glass. On the other hand, consumer goods made of plastic, rubber, or with high levels of ink, paint or glue have higher chances of being at risk. The spectrum of products that can be affected is broad, ranging from such items as toys or inflatable articles, to luggage, outdoor furniture and other household goods. 

This database collects information about substances of concern, aiming to decrease the generation of waste containing hazardous substances and promote substitution. It will also contribute to a safer circular economy, providing waste operators with more information on the hazardous substances in the waste they process, making sorting waste easier and improving the quality of recycled materials due to greater visibility over chemicals. It will also allow consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions and choose safer products.

What needs to be submitted?

  • Information relevant to the identification of the article;
  • Name, concentration range, and location of the SVHC; and
  • Other information on the safe use of the article, particularly if the above information is not sufficient to ensure the proper management of the article as waste.

Who needs to submit information?

Companies supplying articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHC) on the Candidate List must be present in an article in a concentration above 0.1 % weight by weight, including:

  • EU producers and assemblers;
  • EU importers; and
  • EU distributors of articles and other actors who place articles on the market.

Retailers and other actors supplying articles directly to consumers are not obliged to submit information to ECHA.


Do you have questions about how the new SCIP database requirements may affect your business?


Amendment: European Plastic Food Contact Regulation

As per the updates on the Regulation (EU) 2020/1245 in September 2020, the European Union introduced amendments in Regulation (EU) No. 10.2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. The new regulation came into force on September 23, 2020.

The most significant changes are:

Union list of authorized substances (Annex I)

  1. Some amendments on the following substances:
  • 1-3-phenylenediamine (CAS 108-45-2)
  • Antimony trioxide (1309-64-4).
  1. Three entries are newly added.

Specific migration (Annex II)

  1. Heavy metals – Newly added 9 heavy metals on top of the existing 9 heavy metals (total 18 heavy metals) are required:
  • Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Europium, Gadolinium, Lanthanum, Lead, Mercury & Terbium. 
  1. Primary aromatic amines (PAA) – the detection limits for PAA are amended:
    • ≤ 0.002 mg/kg for each PAA listed in entry 43 Annex XVII to REACH Regulation No 1907/2006, and no migration limit is specified in Table 1 of Annex 1.
    • ≤ 0.01 mg/kg for the sum of PAAs not listed in entry 43 of Annex XVII to REACH Regulation, and no migration limit is specified in Annex I.


Declaration of Compliance (Annex IV)

  • Identification and quantity of substances in the intermediate materials are included.


Compliance Testing (Annex V)

  1. For repeated use materials and articles:
    1. The specific migration between subsequent tests does not increase (i.e. SM1 > SM2 > SM3). 
    2. Stability of the material and articles also need to be verified. In cases of insufficient stability, compliance of the material shall NOT be established, even in cases where the specific limit is not exceeded in any of the three tests.

  2. For overall migration testing conditions:
    • OM0 (new) – 30 minutes at 40°C for materials used only at cold or ambient temperatures for 30 minutes or less.
    • OM4 – reflux condition is available as one of the options.


Transitional Arrangements

  • Plastic materials and articles complying with Regulation 10/2011 as applicable before September 23, 2020, and which were first placed on the market before March 23, 2021, may continue to be placed on the market until September 23, 2022, and remain on the market until all stock has been sold
  • New materials and articles that were manufactured after September 23, 2020, need to comply with the new regulation starting March 23, 2021.

Do you have questions about this or other regulatory changes?


Sustainability: Building today for the benefits of tomorrow

COVID-19 has elevated the debate of the importance of sustainability in the long-term, increasing awareness among many companies of the need to consider social, ethical, and environmental standards above short-term profits. While some companies have implemented strong environmental policies in recent years, others have seized the opportunity to embed sustainability into their ‘new normal’ operations instead of considering it a ‘nice to have.’

Whether it is the adoption of transformational sustainability strategies or an approach at a reduced scale, companies can benefit from implementing policies and sustainability programs that make societal sense, positively impact the planet, and result in long-term savings for the company. Brands are increasingly aware of the positive impact of sustainability and the need to incorporate it into their strategies, with 40% of companies having reinforced their sustainability commitments during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a survey from The Business of a Better World (BSR).


Source: ‘Corporate Sustainability & COVID-19’, May 2020, The Business of a Better World (BSR)

In an era of increasing consumer demand for environmental commitment, a solid sustainability strategy will not merely have a positive impact on customer preferences. It can also lead to economic savings as a result of, among other things, the reduction of water and energy consumption and waste.

To support brands on their path towards sustainability, API is launching a new series of free 30-minute sustainability webinars covering everything from adequate labeling and avoiding greenwashing to the analysis of the chemical management in the supply chain and the positive impact on savings that a sustainability strategy can bring. Register now for our upcoming webinars:


December 03 – Footprint Study and Labelling

How can you promote your sustainability practices without greenwashing? 

Beginning with an overview of the different criteria required to calculate a product footprint, learn how to provide customers with verified information about ‘eco-labels.’

Register now

Chemical management

December 10 – Chemical Management in the Supply Chain
Brands, retailers, and suppliers are increasingly looking to improve their chemical management. The question remains: How do you assess the chemical risk and enhance the chemical performance of your supply chain? 

Register Now

Positive impacts

December 17 – Sustainability: Positive Impacts with Savings

While environmental sustainability is about taking care of the planet and its residents, it is also about saving money. Less waste, less consumption of water and energy, and fewer chemicals: sustainability is actually an investment in a company’s’ future. 

In this webinar, our expert will share concrete examples of how using the right processes can help companies match their environmental goals with their bottom line.


Register Now

Interested in other topics or trainings? 


Upcoming webinars on Sustainability and CSR

The challenges faced by supply chains and the need to focus on short-term priorities have put CSR and sustainability efforts in the spotlight. Some companies have been struggling to maintain their path toward sustainability while adapting to the ‘new normal’. Others have taken the opportunity to rebuild and refocus on longer-term objectives and more sustainable supply chains.

‘In business, sustainability has become synonymous with credibility.’

In this context of a new normal, consumer preferences are also changing with an increase in the importance of social and environmental causes. According to a survey* by the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBM) in collaboration with the National Retail Federation (NRF), 6 in 10 consumers are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce their environmental impact.

Sustainability and CSR at the Bottom of the Line or a Strategic Priority?  [Upcoming webinars]

To help companies in their sustainability efforts, API is launching a new series of sustainability webinars starting in November.

Stay tuned for more about our upcoming topics.

*Research study of 18,980 consumers in 28 countries


Sustainability Matters: ICS Environmental Audits

Increasing environmental pressure from governments and associations, and a more pronounced consumer preference for eco-friendly products, are making more and more companies aware of the need to speed up their sustainability journey.

Sustainability Matters: ICS Environmental Audits

68% of consumers rate sustainability as important
Source: CGS’s 2019 Retail and Sustainability Survey

To help them in this way, ICS – Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability – brings to its members a set of common tools to mutualize their audits, contributing to the reduction of audit fatigue and sharing knowledge and best practices.

ICS is an international sectorial initiative that aims to enhance working conditions among the global supply chains of its member retailers and brands. ICS is composed of 48 multinational retailers and brands in the textile, retail, footwear, electronics, and furniture sectors.*

API is accredited to perform ICS social and environmental audits to help ensure that suppliers and their supply chains are aligned with the ICS Environmental Code of Conduct. The main areas covered include:

  • Environmental management systems (EMS)
  • Energy use, transport, and greenhouse gases (GHGs)
  • Water use
  • Wastewater and wastewater effluent
  • Emissions to air and ozone-depleting substances (ODS)
  • Waste management
  • Pollution prevention, and hazardous and potentially hazardous substances
  • Major incident prevention and management


A dedicated environmental team with hands-on experience

  • Experienced with ICS environmental methodology
  • Knowledge of supply chain environmental sustainability
  • Led by the head of sustainability with a doctorate in sustainability (PhD) and more than 10 years’ experience
  • Bilingual with a clear understanding of specific local challenges and global expectations

Daily assessments in factories worldwide

Sustainability Matters: ICS Environmental Audits Daily assessments in factories worldwide

API can support our customers in their environmental journey with 360° expertise in process, factories, and products.

Interested in learning more about our ICS environmental solutions?

*ICS logo and description are property of ICS



API is glad to be participating as a sponsor at the 2020 ICPHSO International Virtual Symposium. The event will take place on October 27–28, 2020, in conjunction with the European Commission’s International Product Safety Week.

The focus of this year’s international symposium is ‘Safely sustainable: exploring how the concept of sustainability is impacting and shaping consumer product safety.’