Recycling Verification Services

Recycling Verification Services

Verifying the origin and content of your products allows you to evaluate their compliance towards your sustainability objectives and to demonstrate the legitimacy of your claims. We can help you achieve the increasing consumer demand of recycled products authenticating the composition of a large spectrum of household goods.

What are the main benefits?

  • Ensure environmental compliance certifying with a 3rd party the recycling claims on your products.
  • Positive brand image reinforced with a transparent and accurate communication to show your clients trustable recycling claims.
  • Increase sales by standing out from competitors with verified products that have a positive impact on the environment and respond to the increasing demand for sustainable practices.

Our services:

Supply Chain Traceability & Verification

  • Track back to source your products and authenticate its raw material sources, production processes, the entire supply chain.

Recycled Product Footprint

  • Measure the footprints of your recycled products (environmental, carbon and resource) in comparison with a virgin product to manage risks and identify product-development opportunities or processes improvements.
  • Consulting service to recommend and develop an action plan to achieve a positive difference in the recycled environmental footprint in comparison to the one of a virgin product.

Recycled content preparation and validation

  • Consulting service to help you ensure that a recycled product made from pre-consumer or post-consumer material has the right percentage of recycled content.

Recycled polyester testing

  • Laboratory testing to verify and quantify the amount of recycled polyester in products and materials.
    More information available here

Recycling Verification Services (RVS) Process

API’s added value

We are specialized in quality assurance solutions for household goods with a deep knowledge of the manufacturing processes. Our on-the-ground expertise and our flexible approach allows us to offer a service with a clear customer focus keeping in mind the needs and demands of recycled products from your final consumers.