Electrical Products Performance Evaluation

Electrical Products Performance Evaluation

user testing

It is needless to say that a product that delivers the best end user service will always be the best one in its market. Assessing product performance on a realistic and professional basis is a role that API can play in your overall quality control approach. In our various labs, located near your production line, we can review product performance based on your internal criteria:

  • Overall functionality
  • Handling tests
  • Durability
  • Energy consumption
  • Product performance

These tests can be either performed by experienced technician groups of users,or else involve in experienced or mixed groups of users for a superior product evaluation. A customized protocol will be developed in conjunction with your Quality Assurance department and our electrical or mechanical engineers.

User Testing: “design Is How It Works.” – Steve Jobs

“Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like. People think it’s this veneer – that the designers are handed this box and told, ‘Make it look good!’ That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs

Comparing Apples To Apples? Our Comparative Testing Approach

To build your brand loyalty, your product needs to deliver the performance for which it was designed and marketed. Selling at a fair price for fair service reinforces customer trust and helps your brand to build its reputation.

Comparing your various product lines against the market leader’s best performing product will help you to:

  • Build trust with your customers.
  • Reduce warranty costs.
  • Evaluate your quality against its peers.
  • Fine tune your products’ price/performance ratio.
  • Example of Comparative Testing: Scoring Base 10

Product performance needs to be bench marked against the products of peer companies. API has developed this scoring approach based on objectives criteria to help the sourcing team to better evaluate the product and to enhance the quality on specific aspects.

The pre-purchase check includes three integrated processes
1. Users Test
  • Evaluate performance, appearance and usability criteria according to normal conditions of use.
  • Tests performed with detailed procedures describing the normal use of European end-users.
2. Construction Check
  • Safety testing and comparative evaluation of built-in parts against technical documentation.
  • Check for any changes made to the products or its components by the factory after certification.
  • Safety check performed according to the relevant standards applicable in the importing country.
3. Documentary Review With Technical Compliance File (TCF)
  • Sample Collection.
  • Definition of the required document scope.
  • Collection of the required documents (eg. CB report, EMC report, EuP, Instruction Manual, etc…).
  • All submitted documents are checked for completion, accuracy, validity, authenticity, traceability.
  • The information can be accessed via the web application database.
Benefits of the Pre-Purchase Check Approach
  • Decision making/Improvement on the product before placing an order.
  • Monitor and pilot the articles deviation in terms of performance, safety or if any modifications made after the certification.
  • Documentation checking and collection.
  • Customizable service and specific testing.
  • Keep the tested samples in API for future in-depth testing.
  • Integration and follow-up with other API solutions : Final random inspection, Initial production check, During production inspection, API Lab testing, API Audit…